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ODDlight Teacher Feature: Mel Mah

Jan 23rd, 2025 oddfam #ODDlight

New year, new teacher! Mel Mah joined us just before the holidays as a sub and made an impression immediately. Her positive presence and playful approach to tradition inspire every single student to awaken their potential and enjoy life, which Mel affirms is a "gift."

Going into the year with a focus on alignment and the foundational core values of play, creativity, and passion, Mel's thoughtful approach to goals will leave you feeling ready for anything. Check out Mel's schedule to catch one of her FLOW classes and start the year with your new favorite teacher. Below, learn more about what Mel's up to on and off the mat, from her cinematically-named pet to The National stan-dom. 

What are your "Big 3?" 

I don't know my Big 3 but I'm a Leo/Virgo cusp :)

Five words to describe yourself?

Wild, passionate, optimistic, playful, creative

What's an ODD fact about you?

My nickname was Smelly Melly when I was in high school and it wasn't because I had bad BO....

One thing you're working on in your practice right now?

I'm working on deepening my breath and softening my approach to the posture, especially within a longer hold.

Where are you when you're not on the mat?

Writing scripts or working on film sets as a director and producer

What's your fave food or restaurant?


Something or someone that inspires you?

My cat Stanley Kubrick. And my dad.

What initially inspired you to become a yoga instructor?

I was a professional dancer for many years so it was a natural progression for me to incorporate yoga into my routine. I did my first teacher training because I was curious about deepening my own knowledge of the practice, but to be honest, I fell into teaching yoga. A dance studio reached out to me to ask if I wanted to start a yoga class and I really only accepted the position so I could get free dance classes. But once I started teaching, I saw the beautiful energetic exchange between myself and the students, how teaching yoga was so much more than the physical. I quickly began to realize that teaching yoga was aligned to my purpose and that I was born to help others light up the path of self-knowledge and higher awareness through these divine teachings.

Where are you inviting play into your practice/day to day?

It's pretty easy to tap into play on the daily when you have a 1-year old boy :) In my practice, I bring in gentle smiles and remind myself to not take myself so seriously in any moment.

If a student takes home ONE lesson from your class, what do you hope it is?

You have all the answers you need within you. The path of power is the path inward. Yoga helps us remove the layers that are blocking us from seeing something that's already there. My biggest hope is that students walk away from my classes remembering who they truly are, remembering that the light, joy, and love we often seek externally is already there within.

What song/album/playlist do you have on repeat right now?

My chill R&B playlist here or The National. Always The National.

One affirmation you always come back to?

Life is a gift.

How are you feeling good these days?

I feel good by practicing every day, reading before bed, spending less time on screens, and getting outside in nature.

As a yogi, how do you approach New Year goals and ambitions?

I like to identify three core values to focus on that serve as the foundation for my specific goals. My core values for 2025 are PLAY, CREATIVITY, and PASSION. Those three words give me a stronger foundation to create intentional goals that are aligned to my path.


Get to know Mel more by finding her on the class schedule!

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