Through ancient breath practices (pranayamas), deep meditations, and an exploration of the Subtle body, the layer beneath the physical body that affects our minds, emotions, and who we are, we'll take mindful steps on the path toward the inner Self. Tune into your energetic state, align with your authentic self, and use this balance to uncover your heart's teachings.
In the workshop, expect:
- Pranayama: a deep dive into breath work and its benefits
- Subtle Body: focal points (chakras & koshas), pathways, and directing prana (life-giving subtle breath)
- Meditation: a variety of techniques designed to focus and quiet the mind, so you can find what resonates with you
- Movement: light physical preparation for stillness
This workshop is open to all who are curious!
*note: this will only count toward a 300 hr. teacher training if you have already completed 200 hr.
About Bri:

Brianna Welke-Turpin, eRYT-500, combines dynamic anatomical alignment with mindful mantra, spiritual awareness, and energetic function. Read more >>
Cost is $49, 15% off for Unlimited Members + TT alum
*TT alum, please email to sign up with your discount