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day 9 – real

Oct 31st, 2012 jessica Uncategorized


A day to dress up and be something/someone else. Often used as an excuse to be excessive.  Eat tons of shitty candy, dress like a slutty whore, drink like a fish, etc.  Sorry to take all the fun out of it, but...  I personally use it as an excuse to crimp my hair once a year. Yep, I still own my original crimper from the 80s. It is almost 30 too:) Each year I wonder why I don’t crimp more often. Crimped hair rocks!

Today got me thinking… what if every day was Halloween? Who would I show up as? Would it be someone different every day? Maybe for a little while…live in the fantasy, play dress up. But after a while I would get bored, sick of putting it all together, ready to get back to being myself. Maybe myself with some crimped hair, but still myself :)

When I really think about it, every day is Halloween. Every day many of us get up and put our mask on.  You know the one – the makeup, the suit, the walls we build, the image we present to the world etc. That mask can be terrifying or beautiful; it’s up to us. We can wake up each day and be a ghoulish asshole, or a gorgeous butterfly. In the end who we show up as in the world as, is a choice.

So here I am, sitting back, reflecting on who I show up as. It’s an interesting question to explore. Over the past year I have been diligently working on showing up as a more authentic me – living with a little more truth, a little more integrity, a little more real.  So today, and every day I choose to be me!

Who are you showing up as?


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