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Day 21 – Fear

Nov 12th, 2012 jessica Uncategorized

Fear.  We all have it. We all handle it differently.  Fear is what stops the flow, what disconnects us from ourselves and one another.  It's what created so much drama in this last election.  Fear of change, fear of new, fear of different.  Fear is divisive and strong... if we let it be. Fear causes stress.  Stress causes 80% of illness.  Fear is bullshit.

I came across this awesome quote today about fear (see below).  It was perfectly fitting as I have been having a lot of fears around taking the leap to make my dreams come true.  So many possibilities, and yet in that possibility there is an overwhelming feeling of - "can I really do this?"  "can I really make this happen?"  The fear tells the story of not having enough time, not being enough, not having enough.  Again... bullshit.

Fear is just:


and results in an attitude of:
...if we let it get to us.

Or we can:

Research shows that 78% of the population spends up to eight hours a day dealing with fear and worry!

It also shows that 40% of the stuff we worry about will never happen; 30% is taken up with thoughts and distortions of situations from our past events that we can’t change; 12% of what we worry about is other people’s business; 10% of what we worry about is what’s considered to be imagined illness.

Do the math:  92% of our worries are completely reactive! That leaves 8% of fear or worry that is justifiable.

Refer back to this information when you find your blood pressure rising, when fear and anxiety begins to set in or when you find yourself worrying.

Chances are you’re stressing about a situation that is never going happen, is stemming from your past, is completely imaginary or that you simply have no control over.

If it won’t matter in five years from now chances are it does not matter now.
-Yehuda Berg

Wow. Powerful stuff. It does not matter - it is all illusion/stress/drama.  Choose to face EVERYTHING and meet it with a roar - nothing to be scared of, we got this shit!

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