Name: Megan Gila Feinberg
Nick Name: megs, meggles, mugatu, boo
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Favorite Place: my desk in my room.
Favorite color: green, but also the rainbow
What’s your sign? Capricorn
Most embarrassing moment?
I peed my pants on a teacup like ride and walked away like nothing happened
Most empowering moment?
Graduating with honors and receiving an award at graduation. Also that womens march in January was pretty empowering
ODDfam making Women's March
Fun Fact most wouldn’t know about you?
I have a 21-13 inch waist depending on the time of day
Fun Fact most wouldn’t know about you?
I love to sew
Fun Fact most wouldn’t know about you?
Most of my family dinners resulted in conversations about poop. Or something equally inappropriate.
Share a story or anecdote with us – something magical, changing, funny, or adventurous. Something that you love to tell.
I went camping in January while it was raining. First true time camping, and it was 45 degrees. My awesome friends were prepared and ready but we only made it one night. On our way out of Joshua tree, it started snowing. We pulled over and frolicked.
When you aren’t at the studio where can you be found (favorite past time)?
CAMPING! My new crew and I (, Caitlin, and Adam) and sewing at home
How do you define yoga?
Moving the body in a way that quiets the mind and feels good? That's how I do it.
Do you teach?
I dont. But I am signed up for TT 2018!! Are you?
What brought you to join ODD?
Jess is my cousin and she needed desk staff when I moved to LA for school
What is your favorite pose or flow? Why?
I like shake your ass-anas. Dancy flows with fun beats. Even when the teacher doesnt que a dance break, I'll take one in chair.
Memorable yoga moment?
The first time I ever did yoga I was in elementary school. I heard a pop and my hip started to feel weird and pop when I walked. It lasted through middle school and eventually went away.
How did you first hear about One Down Dog?
Jess had been in my life since I've been in hers. So I've been aware of its existence since before its existence.
What is your favorite yogi prop or piece to wear or use? (favorite mala etc)
I like to bring a few crystals with my intentions
What special causes or non-profits do you hold dear to your heart?
I'm a big fan of the gays. LGBTQ rights, women's issues with equality. I consider myself a big hippy and have been referred to as such since middle school.
Are there any links, @names, and #hashtags you would you like us to use in promoting you and your happenings?
Anything else? (feel free to add literally anything!)
Same. Literally add anything. Camping, dancing, burping, pooping. Whatever.
(This was her answer to US at ODD to add anything, but I think this pretty much says everything.)