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#ODDlight Teacher Feature: Janine Glass

Aug 9th, 2016 caitlin Blog


Name: Janine Glass

Nick Name: J9

Hometown: Philly

Favorite Place: Any where with my boys AND tropical islands...Thailand and Bali to be more specific

ankor wat

Favorite color: I don't have just 1...I prefer rainbows!!!!

What’s your sign? Aries

Most embarrassing moment? When you get married and have kids I feel like embarrassing moments disappear and you learn to laugh and enjoy every situation! But one time in yoga class....

naked boys

Most empowering moment? About 3 years I attended an Advance Teacher Training in NYC. There was a specific moment when I was yogaing, of course, Where I realized my true path and really stepped into my own spirit authentically for the first time. Man, this was so empowering!

unnamed (1)

Fun Fact most wouldn’t know about you? Japanese food is my jam. Could eat it 24/7

Fun Fact most wouldn’t know about you? I can make the best veggie spring rolls

Share a story or anecdote with us – something magical, changing, funny, or adventurous. Something that you love to tell. Gosh, there are so many! One of my fav adventures was with my hubby. We traveling to Thailand, Cambodia, and Bali for our honeymoon for an entire month. The last stop was Bali, where I taught at The Yoga Barn. The most magic I've ever experienced happened on that trip. It was the trip of a lifetime and I fulfilled a dream of teaching in Bali. I will be back teaching in Bali one day soon!


When you aren’t at the studio where can you be found (favorite past time)? Hanging with all my boys, Bodhi too! Preferably on the beach on or by the water! Playing in yoga class with all my #yogafriends!



How do you define yoga? Yoga is what YOU need it to be. Every time you arrive on the mat you get something so different.

Why do you teach? I teach for one reason. To help heal the hoop of the people. Yoga heals and there is so much wisdom and medicine that happens when we are on our mats. All humans can benefit from some form of the practice.


What brought you to become an instructor? Yoga was and still is the thing that connects me to self and the universe. Yoga continues to heal and help me. When I took my first teacher training I knew yoga was my new journey and it makes me so happy and humble to share the practice, the space, and time with others! I left that teacher training quit my corporate job and started teaching immediately (thanks to Ducky Punch:)

What is your favorite song to play in class? That changes on the daily

What is your favorite pose or flow? Why? Honestly, that so changes on the daily too. But I always love to invert!


Memorable yoga moment? Arriving on the mat; yes that memorable moment when peace washes though every cell tissue of the body!

What is your favorite yogi prop or piece to wear or use? (favorite mala etc) The roll...see attached pic #forrestyoga style:)


What special causes or non-profits do you hold dear to your heart? Yoga for Youth is a great non profit that literally saves children's lives by bringing worthiness and happiness to children that have had a really rough start


Are there any links, @names, and #hashtags you would you like us to use in promoting you and your happenings?, #j9yogaco #forrestyoga Follow my social media to see update of all yoga happenings and my boys!

Anything else? (feel free to add literally anything!) My workshop Unraveling the mysteries of the Neck, Shoulders, and Hips 8/27

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