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#FeelBetterInYourBody – A National Yoga Month Instagram Challenge

Sep 8th, 2016 caitlin Blog, Practice

CHALLENGE TIME!! September is national yoga month, and we're doing a 30 day #yoga #instachallenge!

#feelbetterinyourbody all month long with us and our sponsors and win prizes!! Want to join the fun?

1️⃣ follow @onedowndog @beyondyoga@hanna.lahandmade @cucciosomatology@ybicoalition @lovemoremovement

2️⃣share this post on your page and tag 3 friends

3️⃣post each day's challenge, tag all the sponsors and #feelbetterinyourbody in the post (pro tip: save it all in your notes so you can just copy and paste)

4️⃣get on your mat and move your body!

Prizes: $100 to @beyondyoga, jewelry from@hanna.lahandmade, @ybicoalition yoga and body image book,@lovemoremovement t-shirt,@cucciosomatology goodies and more!

Instagram Challenge - Insta

Yoga is more than asana (the poses) and One Down Dog is all about finding YOUR flow and making the pose match the person rather than the person match the pose. So this challenge includes some off the mat yoga fun. Here's the breakdown of what each day means so you can plan ahead!


Late to the challenge? Just catch up! You can join in as late as 10 days in to win and join in ANY day just to play. Find your variation of each challenge.

1. #FeelBetterInYourBody ­ "This is how I show up." #Tadasana (hands to side or heart...all good).

2.  #ODDselfie - Capture that self image! Whether it's first take or your favorite picture.

3. BIG STEP ­ - How do you lunge? Knee down? Knee bent? Arms high? Arms bent? Show us how YOU lunge.

4. FOOD FOR THE SOUL ­ - There is NO guilt involved with this pleasure.

5. SQUATTY PARTY - #Malasana/#yogisquat... it looks and feels different for everyone. Our hips are shaped different, our knees feel differently.

6. TAKE A SEAT! ­ #Utkatasana / Chair pose. - So how do you take a seat? With a block between the thighs? Hands where? Twist? How low do you go?

7. ROOT TO RISE - #Vrksasana - Tree pose variations.

8. FOOD FOR THE BODY - The thing you’re eating because you know you need it.

9. #MakeAwesomeHappen - Let's see one or some of your favorite awesome things you do and have done. Big or small, it's awesome!

10. ONE DOWN DOG - #AdhoMukhaSvanasana - Downward Facing Dog - clearly our favorite. One day at a time, one down dog at a time.  We always show up with something different. From heels to hands, this pose will always look different.

11. #PLANKING - Uttihita Chaturanga Dandasana - Want to drop to elbows or feel like knees are the right plank for you? Let's see any plank!

12. THIS IS RIDICULOUS - #Chaturanga - We do this one a lot in vinyasa classes and it's TOUGH. Drop those knees, use those blocks, modify!

13. OPEN HEARTS, STEADY BACKS, CANT LOSE. - Cobra (bhujangasana), Upward Facing Dog, Sphinx. Give us any of those strong open hearts!

14. YOGI'S CHOICE - What's YOUR yoga? A favorite pose to modify, your best healthy habit, or the thing that makes you feel most like you are down with that yoga life.

15. I AM A WARRIOR - Any warrior variation that makes you feel strong and open. Warrior One, Reverse Warrior, or that steady Warrior Two.

16. I DONT NEED IT...BUT I WANT IT - What is life without those extra things that just bring us joy?

17. I PAUSE FOR SELF-CARE - You are important. Make time for self-care. What is your go-to for caring for that body of yours that makes you feel good on the inside too?

18. MY SIDE IS THE STRONG SIDE - #Vasisthasana - Side Plank Variations! Drop a knee, an elbow, tripod that top leg, or send it high!

19. IS THIS RIGHT? Can we just help each other out on this one? Post a photo of the pose, the habit, or the food somebody swears is good for you but you just aren't sure about. Surf the #FeelBetterInYourBody hashtag to help each other out with that tricky stuff.

20. THE BIG BEND - #PrasaritaPadottanasana - Wide Legged Fold has SO many arm variations and place you can play in. 

21. ALL TIED UP - #garudasana - Eagle - For some of us this pose is that balance of strength and stretch. For some of us we just feel like a tilting pretzel. Either way it's fun to play!

22.  ITS A BIG DEAL - Share a photo of something that is important to you.

23. I'M A GREAT DANCER - #Natarajasana - Dancer pose variations, don't be scared to use those straps!

24. TAKE UP SPACE! - #UtthitaHastaPadangusthasana - Extended Hand to Big Toe. Take it to the side, to the front, and use that strap!

25. #IWokeUpLikeThis - The rules are simple, just take a photo of that killer bed head. You're beautiful. Feelin it?

26. MOON ME - #ardhachandrasana - half-moon. It's one of those poses that makes a lot more sense with some props or a wall to help us find and build strength for this doozy. Modify, prop it up, or just enjoy the tumble and sway and soar!

27. LIFT AND LET GO - #SetuBandhaSarvangasana - Bridge Pose! Supported, legs lifted, or any backbend you love to do! Wheel?

28. FEELIN' UP! - #Sarvangasana - Shoulder stand variations or any inversion. Legs up the wall or give us that handstand and anything in between.

29. I'M FEELIN MYSELF - What does feeling better look like? Let yourself enjoy YOU. Feel it. Share it.

30. YOU'RE DONE! - #Savasana  - Corpse Pose, bring on the knee props and the blankets! Well earned rest after some really awesome work realizing how your yoga makes you feel better in your body.


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