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ODDLight: Hanna Ketai

Mar 3rd, 2019 caitlin Blog


March! It's here! And it brought a whole new ODDLight with it. This month, we're featuring Hanna Ketai. Hanna is the woman - the dream - behind many of the lovely rings, bracelets, and necklaces that you see at ODD. She's been around One Down Dog FOREVER and it's time for us to introduce her to the masses. Read on to learn more about Hanna and be sure to sign up for her workshop, Intuitive Crystal Ceremony and Jewelry Making, which is happening March 14!

Name: Hanna Ketai
Nick Name: "The Crystal Yenta" (Megan Feinberg coined this one)
Hometown: West Bloomfield, Michigan
Favorite Place: Sedona, Arizona
Favorite Color: Olive Green ( Some of my friends call it "Hanna Green")
What’s your sign? Cancer

Most embarrassing moment?
Throwing up while teaching a yoga class ( I got food poisoning from Kombucha)

Fun Fact most wouldn’t know about you?
I was named after Hana in Maui even though I have never been there! Also, in addition to designing jewelry and owning a crystal business, I am also a therapist. I have my own private practice in Beverly Hills.

Share a story or anecdote with us – something magical, changing, funny, or adventurous.
Something that you love to tell. : I recently took myself on a solo trip to the desert to paint and wander around. I got attacked by a cactus and ended up in urgent care. Lesson to be learned: Don't wear Birkenstocks in the desert.

When you aren’t at the studio where can you be found (favorite past time)?
Playing with crystals, playing pool, seeing live music and hiking with friends

How do you define yoga?
Yoga is all about coming "home" to yourself

Why do you teach?
I am not currently teaching yoga, however what I used to love about teaching was creating and holding a special space for people to connect and come home to themselves. When I teach workshops, it's a similar feeling but now I am teaching people about crystals, how to use them to connect with yourself and cultivate a deeper intuition. And of course, how to make some badass jewelry with those crystals too!

What brought you to become an instructor?
My yoga teachers and the owners of the studio encouraged/forced me to become a teacher. I'm glad they did!

What is your favorite song to play in class?
Sideways by Citizen Cope

What is your favorite pose or flow? Why?
Pigeon pose because the hips don't lie!

Memorable yoga moment?
I still remember my very first yoga class at the Yoga Shelter in West Bloomfield, Michigan. I was 16 years old and it completely changed my life.

How did you first hear about One Down Dog?
Jess, the owner, is one of my oldest dearest friends from Michigan.

What is your favorite yogi prop or piece to wear or use?
I love bringing crystals to class and placing them at the front of my mat when I practice!

If you could have any super power what would it be?

What special causes or non-profits do you hold dear to your heart?


Check out Hanna's beautiful creations @Hanna.LAHandmade on instagram!

Learn more about Hanna's upcoming workshop,"Intuitive Crystal Ceremony and Jewelry Making", and sign up, on the ODD website or check in with any one of our lovely desk staff members the next time you're in a studio.

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