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Jupiter Yantra by Catherine Weiss

Mar 29th, 2019 caitlin Blog

What is yantra? यन्त्र

  • A yantra is a mediation device, similar to a mantra or a gazing point.
  • Use a yantra to hold yourself to your meditation: stare at the central point (the bindu), and return there every time you drift away
  • Yantra​ comes from root yam + suffix tra
  • Yam means to hold, restrain, extend, or keep orderly
  • -tra makes something an instrument
  • Yantra literally means a holding device. So basically it means something to be used for meditation

How to meditate with a yantra

  • Choose a yantra to work with in your daily practice (sādhana) and use it for an extended period of time to gain its full benefits.
  • Find a comfortable seat with the yantra directly in front of you, slightly above eye level.
  • Let the orderly lines and the gentle curves of the yantra guide your eyes in towards the central point.
  • Every yantra is an embodiment of divinity (Kālī, Tripura Sundarī, Ganesh). Hold the divinity in your mind as you maintain focus (dhāraṇā) on the yantra.
  • Every yantra has an associated mantra. Subverbally (in your head) repeat the mantra as you gaze at the yantra.

Jupiter Yantra

  • In Vedic astrology the planet Jupiter is called Guru
  • gu (darkness) + ru (one who dispels) = guru: dispeller of darkness
  • Through the light of knowledge, through the teachings, we dispel the darkness of ignorance
  • Jupiter is the great teacher, the bringer of light. Jupiter is all about expansion, about finding your growing edge and leaning into it.
  • Keep staring at Jupiter’s bindu. Allow your awareness to expand from that point as you inhale, and contract to that point as you exhale
  • Use your peripheral vision: with each breath cycle let your awareness swell like the growing of the light and narrow like the coming of darkness. In this way, take in the whole yantra, from the bindu to the edges of the four outer gates (the bhupūr).
  • What areas of your life are you expanding into? Where would you like to expand?  What areas of your life need to be put into order for you to grow as big as dream? Shine the light of your awareness on those areas that you wish to enliven in your life.
  • Remember that expansion is not always a perfectly orderly thing. Sometimes we grow into one part of our life before we grow into others.
  • Let the things you are outgrowing drop away. Hold your focus to the things you wish to empower. Each time your eye wanders return to the central point.  Each time your speaking mind starts talking return to the mantra.

Jupiter Mantra - ॐ बृं बृहस्पतये नमः

  • Aum bṛṁ bṛhaspataye namaḥ
  • Pronounced “om brim brihaspataye namaha”
  • Bṛhaspati is the name of the Indic god that equates to Jupiter. Bṛṁ is the seed syllable (bījā).  Namaḥ is an expression of reverence from the root nam – to bow.  Aum brings it all together: combining diety, essence, and salute into one super potent mantra
  • Repeat this mantra aloud or subverbally while you meditate upon the Jupiter yantra, empowering your meditation.
  • Work with this yantra and mantra every day to call in the gifts of Jupiter. Jupiter is in its home sign, Sagittarius, until December of 2019, making this an extremely potent time to devote yourself to meditation upon it.  Continue this sādhana for forty days to super charge your intention, calling in expansion, abundance, adventure, growth, the coming of light into your life, the falling away of things that no longer serve you, an increase of knowledge, and a decrease of ignorance.


Jupiter Mantra (spoken)

Jupiter Mantra (chanted) 

Aum bṛṁ bṛhaspataye namaḥ!

To learn more about Jupiter’s transit in the coming year please follow  astrologer Chani Nicholas at their website or on IG
@chaninicholas.  To learn more about yantra including how to make your own follow artist-yogi Sarah Tomlinson their website or on IG @sarahyantra.
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