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Mudra Mondays: Expand Wisdom and Consciousness with Jnana Mudra

May 18th, 2015 oddfam Blog, Practice

jnana mudra

Each Monday, with the help of our teacher Brianna Welke, we will introduce a mudra, what it means, and how it can be used.  Check out more #Mudra Monday posts here.

For today’s Mudra Monday, Brianna teaches us the Jnana Mudra:

jnana mudra brianna welke mudra mondays one down dog

Jnana Mudra is the mudra of knowledge. It's practiced by joining the first finger tip and thumb tip together, extending the other fingers, and can be turned up or down when set on the legs. The thumb represents fire and divine consciousness and the first finger represents the individual self, when held together they're used to expand wisdom and consciousness. It's a fantastic mudra to start with, especially if you are beginning a meditation practice. In yoga, anytime your hands are free, feel free to "mudrasize" them! One of the lovely things about this mudra is that it's also used commonly to denote that things are "A-OK!" and that we've got things together. This Mudra really does connect us all when bringing it to that broad perspective.

If you’d like to share a mudra that you bring into your asana practice or your meditation just tag #MudraMonday and #OneDownDog

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