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How to Pick the Perfect Crystal with Hanna Ketai

Mar 6th, 2019 caitlin Blog, Education

If you haven't heard, the wonderful Hanna Ketai is hosting an Intuitive Crystal Ceremony and Jewelry Making Workshop on May 3rd! It is sure to be awesome. Why? Because she's awesome and talented and if you don't believe me, check out her ODDLight feature to confirm.

To bring you into the crystal-sphere, Hanna has devised some quick tips for choosing a crystal that is perfect for you. Crystals are super personal. They all have different qualities and one may/may not resonate with you at a given moment in life. Be sure to follow Hanna's advice to find the one (or five!) for you.

And don't forget to sign up for her workshop to learn even more about crystals and jewelry making.


1. Tune in

Close your eyes and take at least five slow, deep breaths in and out of the nose.

2. Set your intention

Take a moment and think of one new thing that you’d like to manifest in your life.

3. Observe

Use your eyes to look at the crystals in front of you, observing the different sizes, shapes, lusters, colors. Then notice which ones you are immediately drawn to.

4. Touch

Pick up the crystal(s) that you’re drawn to and hold them in your hand. Take in the sensations you feel when holding it.

5. Trust your gut

Don’t worry about any pre-assigned meanings of certain crystals that you may have heard. Pick the one that speaks to you...that’s the one you need!



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